Around the World in 12 Cakes - Month 9 - Germany

It's hard to believe that we are already 3/4 around the world (well in bakedacake world that is). This month I decided to take a trip down memory lane to my Year 7 German class and make a mini Donna Hay inspired black forest cake.

Now my knowledge of my Year 7 German class pretty much only extends to ordering a wiener schnitzel and coke, reciting my phone number and address and of course Mein Name ist Lena (sorry Mrs Waters, the rest of it just hasn't stuck). One other thing that I remember is the delicious Black Forest Cake - yummy layers of chocolate cake filled with cream cherries and Kirsch, and finished with dark chocolate curls.

Most sources find that the Black Forest Cake gets it's name from the Black Forest in Germany where the cherries for the Kirsch were made, however, I also found another interpretation which I like the sound of much better - linking the cake to the fairytale, Sleeping Beauty - as white as snow, as red as blood and as black as ebony!

This cake let me test out a new technique - tempering chocolate - which surprisingly (for a stresshead caker like me) was not as stressful as I thought, and I ended up with that oh so perfect 'snap' of the chocolate. The stressful part came later when I accidently submerged the digital thermometer in the sink (for all those playing at home, after a good drying out I am happy to say that the thermometer is still working!). 

Viel Spaß beim Lesen

Black Forest Cake 1

Black Forest Cake Cherry